Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Healing Rally

Healing Rally was on the 15 & 16 Nov. I asked someone along for the one on the 15, someone who I think needs healing. He wasn't sure about it, didn't reply me in the end, but I went, just for that small chance that he would turn up. He didn't.
No doubt there was the temptation of going home to rest after a long day, but I do not regret going for it, even when he didn't turn up.
I was the only 1 from central there, or so I thought, I went to sit sihan from NE.
The healing rally was a time of praise, worship, teaching, intercession and healing. We had visitors all around the globe, pastors from other Hope churches around the world in the rally.
The teaching was good. A quote: "God allows some people to carry weakness or illnesses in their life. It is within God's plan." Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Someone who couldn't hear properly was healed in the right ear. Someone who was troubled by pain in her right brain was relieved of it. We prayed for a by-pass patient, cancer patients and many others.
I found out that Daniel went for the healing rally after the whole thing ended, so that makes just the 2 of us centralites. :p Went home with him, Shirley and Eelee on NEL.
Work commitments, couldn't attend the one on the 16.

Other stuff: I acceded to do duty for a fellow campmate this Fri evening to Sat morning. Come to think of it, it is really... , since I have medical appointment on Fri afternoon and I actually don't have to go back to camp. Still I want to be salt and light, and it's within my capacity to help him, I don't really have anything on that night.


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