Monday, April 24, 2006


There is a misconception that good Christians must be 'Holy', do only 'Holy' things & mix with 'Holy' people.
Holiness is not a outward behaviour, but an inward change of your spirit.
Those who focus to be 'Holy' outwardly, will just end up like the Pharisees in the bible, people who are devoted and extremist in very limited parts of The Law, and have a skewed view of Christianity. Pharisees build walls with the rest of the Jews by their overly strict adherence to the law; self-righteousness.

It is possible to be Holy without 'holy isolation'.
Daniel, a man of God stayed in Babylon, a place of idolatry and evil and served king nebuchadnezzar, who wasn't a follower of God. Jesus himself went to live & dine with sinners.
We as Christians are called to be in this world, yet not of this world, so that we may be a beacon of light to those around us.
When God's love change you, you'll become more & more like Jesus. There's no need for a 'pretentious holiness', Holiness will pour forth naturally in action & speech.

Christians are humans too. We too have fun, laughter, outrageous and crazy moments.
Let's serve with Joy and not out of pretense or false holiness.


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