Monday, October 24, 2005

Fasting- Day 1

Today, my cg commenced on a 21 days fasting and prayer.
I chose to fast from 1 meal today, but from tomorrow onwards I'll also fast from syrup drinks for all meals to continually remind me of God's presence in my life.

"Strength of Character" That is what God dropped me today. We must be the ones that people can rely on, someone who is strong, not just on our own, but because we root ourselves in God and His Word.

Prayer. It is really true that many Christians neglect this part of their walk with God. My prayer life too, though I won't say is neglected, is I feel, inadequate.
Through this fasting and praying, I hope to experience the power of intercession and see God moving in His ways. Prayer must not be something we do out of routine, but with absolute faith that prayer works. Not only interceding for requests, but I want to grow to have a continual prayer walk throughout the day, an endless conversation with the Lord, my Saviour & Redemer, my best friend.


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