Friday, October 21, 2005


I realised that whenever I am asked for prayer requests, they usually revolve around my personal life, i.e. my health, my problems, my challenges, finding my personal things, etc. Not there is anything wrong with this. We should commit everything to God.

However I am reminded that as servant-leaders, one of our responsibilities is to intercede for our people. To cover them spiritually with prayers. Many atimes, we try our best to solve our sheep problems by giving them sound advice. That is good. But we must never forget to pray and ask God for His divine help.

Prayer is powerful. People can reject our help and advice, but they can never reject our prayers.

I want to pray for my caregroup for:
Our souls to be refreshed every single day, despite the circumstance.
Our zeal to be rekindled, especially for the great commission.
Our strength to be renewed, particularly for my brothers who have to go through tedious daily routines.
Our motives and purpose to be redefined, that we can see beyond the seemingly time-wasting period of our lives to be used greatly by God.


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