Prejudice & Bias
Prejudice & bias abound in human society. They stem from certain impressions that we perceive about a certain group of people, often they are generalisations, which may not be true.
I too, am bias and make generalisations about people. I have come to realise that in the NS ministry especially, it is really important that these bias and prejudice be broken down. There are all sorts of people in NS that we will meet, the rich & the poor, the degree holders & those with just secondary 2 education. There will be bias, but let's overcome them.
Holy Spirit, help me to see through God's eyes, that they are people who you also want to reach out too, they are also your lost children & they need you. Help me to love even more.
Come to think of it NS is a place where the segregation of social & education status is at its lowest. It is where there is interaction between the different echelons of society, whether they want to or forced to.
Lord, help to make the best of this. I want to approach each & everyone with a fresh clean sheet in mind.