Sunday, December 11, 2005

Espirit De Corps camp Dec 2005

Espirit De Corps-Building The Dream Team

The youth camp was really great.
I learned from the teachings in which "unity of God's community" was the main theme, but that wasn't the key thing for me.
I was really touched by God throughout the camp. Like Daniel, there wasn't a single night which i did not tear. God really administered to me.

I am reminded once again that God calls us not his servants but his children, we are a royal priesthood, princes and princesses of His.
1Peter2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
I am chosen by God and He will anoint. I don't have to worry about my weaknesses or inadequacies, for He will provide and empower.
God be highly exalted, as people see the Holy Spirit working in my shortcomings and know that it's not on my own strength but by Your grace and might.

Another thing that I want to respond to is to be Word-centred. The Word of God is so powerful, a Christian cannot be without it. It is our weapon against the devil, against sin & temptation.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
As a spiritual leader, I must be equipped with the Word. It is really what differentiates a normal counsellor from a shepherd of God's flock, that and God's presence. I must teach and grow my people according to the Word, not merely by my own experience.

I really had a great time with my central brothers and sisters. It's my 1st time in camp as a centralite. Got to know quite alot of them better. They are really hyper-active and can survive on really little sleep. My relationship with my relatively new sheep was also bridged during this camp, where we agreed to commit our time to each other and had a long heart to heart sharing while everyone was playing captain's ball on the last night.
On the side note, the games didn't really excite me anymore and I can't go that long without sleep. I'm getting old... hahazz.

Took a few photographs on the last day, the especially notable ones was that with my cg, sheep and family. I could still remember june camp, only 2 of my cousins and me were in the picture. Now there's another of my cousin and thaddeus's cousin, kaysen, who's visiting from Malaysia, that makes 5 of us. Hope numbers will be added in the next camp. :)

After we broke camp, I had lunch caregroup at TCC @ Lido. It was a time of defining the group's vision and challenging each other for greater things.

Overslept until 8pm, woke up and rushed out for a secondary mini-gathering. Finally came home at 12.30am to unpack and sleep.

I will not forget how You have touched me and the decisions I've made in this camp. Lord, help me continue to run the race, not losing my vision for You.


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