Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year Reflections

2005 came and went. Time may have seemed to fly, but come to think of it, it didn't in fact. There were really memorable things I've done in 2005. For one Teaching in xinmin in secondary, and short stints in St Nicholas and AJC. Even promoting newsweek and economist in RJC, SAJC and SRJC. I didn't like the latter though, guess sales isn't really my forte. But I loved the former, interacting with students, educating them. However I didn't really had the time to impact their lives deeply enough. Still, it is an experience that I'll cherish.
Collect A level results, soon it's NS...

Then there were the times of bitter-sweet partings, of my beloved 1st sheep and North-east. The parting wasn't nice, but I wanted to go too, I couldn't really serve effectively anymore in North-east. A NS group was pioneered in central, so there I went. I'm not a stranger to transfers and restructuring, have been through 4 already. As long as it's for the the good of the Kingdom, I'll do it. Meet new people build new relationships, forge new friendships. As well as renew old ones, those who were from pre-tertiary like jiehui, kaiyan and jinqi. Growing new sheep...

Im looking forward to this year. A new year of challenges, of testing, of pruning... Sounds sadistic? hahazzz I really mean it. There's no such thing as a stagnant Christian, u either have to be growing or backsliding. Shirley said this year will be a year of challenges. I'll claim it, that it will come.
God, I desire to be moulded by You. Please refine my character that I can be use even more by you.
I'm no longer young, no longer in my tens, soon I'll be 20. Life's journey on earth is short, make it count, I don't want to look back to regret.

I'll continue later... time to plan something for my family gathering later....


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