Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Christmas to remember

This Christmas is one that is really memorable.

1st of all, this is the 1st time I made an effort to write personal cards to more than 30 over people, all within the span of 1 day. (Really sorry if you didn't receive one from me, there are many others whom I want to write to too, but I really had no time with my packed schedule.)

On the night of 23rd Dec, I went to visit my cousins at their house, spent the night there. Came back home early next morning to continue the Christmas cards. Left for church service which is at 12.30pm. The drama was really great, jinqi really looked like a kopi auntie. And xiangyu did a very moving performance, her tears were real, so were some of the audiences'. After service at starhub, a myriad of cards and presents were flying around. Joel, who just joined us recently, was pleasantly surprise, that he received quite a few gifts. I received quite a few cards and presents, some quite unexpected like from Dan & Elise. Then there are also presents that I didn't know who was it from like a box of ferrero rochers(Anyone?). Next time remember to write name on your presents. hahaz
The most memorable present however was from jiehui, who gave me a Christian keychain with my name engraved. Thanks alot everyone!

Then after that I went home for family BBQ with my mum's relatives. Mingled awhile, then I left to find AOC in ECP. This is the highlight. I've never spent Christmas at ECP before, we dont have a chalet, just 1 of the shelters. We rented bikes over night. I cycled alot, for fun, as well as ferrying people to and fro on double bike. Played quite alot of great games like ultimate frisbee, table soccer and 2 war games. Thank you game masters for organising them!
I managed to get some personal time with hongmun, cycling all the way to Bedok jetty, hanging around there to chat for quite awhile.
Time really flew, soon we were playing our last war game at about 4am. It involved the use of candles and many ppl including me, got waxed. The wind became really strong in the middle and we had to abandoned the game.
It started to rain real soon and we all went under the shelter. The wind was really strong, the type that will chill you to your bone. Everyone huddled together in the shelter. The rain, though spoilt our game, help us bond closer to each other. We got to know each other much better, interacting and seeing to the physical needs of others(offering our jackets, extra shirts, etc). Everyone came out cold and wet, but our friendship was warmed and glowing.
AOC has moved up another notch. This community of God is growing. Daniel should be glad. :)

The true meaning of Christmas is found in the verse that's so common, yet so deep:
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Christmas is not about santa claus, the fun or the lightings. It is about God's amazing Grace and his great Love for us. For us to be reconciled to Him.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas's coming!

Christmas's coming!
I'm really encouraged by various testimonies from my fellow brithers and sisters in Christ.
However I've been too pre-occupied by work recently. Have been working until 11.30pm, 12am for the past few days, my major audit is just after the Christmas break. Finally manage to come home 1 hour ago. Have to return back to work again after my medical appointment in the morning. Really hectic.
Have only had time to write 1 Christmas card so far...
So many things, yet so little time!
However come to think of it, isn't it such times that will really show the difference?
Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Holy Spirit shine forth in me.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

This Christmas, I must not miss.

A flurry of activities and Christmas is coming. Though it's the holiday season, I've been really busy with work. With all the HR checks and MSD inspections coming up, I've been working late into the night, past 10pm. To add to that, I was sick for almost this entire week, from food poisoning.
There were guitar lessons & sentosa outings for the rest of central & AOC, but none that I could attend. And now, because of someone's poor planning of duties and under-the-table transactions, I'm being activated for tomorrow's, Sunday 24h duty, even though i'm not the reserve. Doubt I'll be able to leave camp during the nights for this coming week.
Guys who are enlisting soon, please enjoy your civilian life! hahaz

Despite all these, I pray that I won't miss this Christmas, the real spirit and reason behind it. It's so easy to be lost and consumed by your own problems. Lord I pray that this will not happen to me. Give me strength that I may look beyond myself and see the need of others, their need to know the true meaning behind all the festive sales, nice lighting & music, and to embrace the reason.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hearing & Understanding

It's amazing how somethings that we hear, over and over again, never hit us until one fine day.
Like what matthew 13:14b says "You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving."
Truly without the Holy Spirit to strike the chord in our hearts, we can be receiving forever but never really digesting.
For me one example is the importance of God's word. Yes, we always hear about how important the bible is in our lives, the manual for Christian living, etc. I do read it during devotional time and service, but other than that, rarely do I flip through the bible, except to check out a certain Word of Knowledge when the Holy Spirit prompts me.
Only recently has it striked me that I really need to go back to the Word on every thought and decision that I make. Is it biblical or is it just what I think? I want to be someone who really loves and desires the Word, that it will be the ultimate authority of my life.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you understand and perceive the things you have received & will be receiving.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Camp pictures

Impromptu Group Shot of Agents of Change(AOC) a.k.a. Central 2
Central F & 2 delegates from Hope Kuching

My beloved ex-sheep & me
Daniel & me. Don't let his attempt to smile deceive you, look closely at his eye-bags, he's really lack of sleep!
Junyao, who pose for so many pictures & complained that his jaws aches. lol

More coming soon when I get dennis to send them to me...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Espirit De Corps camp Dec 2005

Espirit De Corps-Building The Dream Team

The youth camp was really great.
I learned from the teachings in which "unity of God's community" was the main theme, but that wasn't the key thing for me.
I was really touched by God throughout the camp. Like Daniel, there wasn't a single night which i did not tear. God really administered to me.

I am reminded once again that God calls us not his servants but his children, we are a royal priesthood, princes and princesses of His.
1Peter2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
I am chosen by God and He will anoint. I don't have to worry about my weaknesses or inadequacies, for He will provide and empower.
God be highly exalted, as people see the Holy Spirit working in my shortcomings and know that it's not on my own strength but by Your grace and might.

Another thing that I want to respond to is to be Word-centred. The Word of God is so powerful, a Christian cannot be without it. It is our weapon against the devil, against sin & temptation.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
As a spiritual leader, I must be equipped with the Word. It is really what differentiates a normal counsellor from a shepherd of God's flock, that and God's presence. I must teach and grow my people according to the Word, not merely by my own experience.

I really had a great time with my central brothers and sisters. It's my 1st time in camp as a centralite. Got to know quite alot of them better. They are really hyper-active and can survive on really little sleep. My relationship with my relatively new sheep was also bridged during this camp, where we agreed to commit our time to each other and had a long heart to heart sharing while everyone was playing captain's ball on the last night.
On the side note, the games didn't really excite me anymore and I can't go that long without sleep. I'm getting old... hahazz.

Took a few photographs on the last day, the especially notable ones was that with my cg, sheep and family. I could still remember june camp, only 2 of my cousins and me were in the picture. Now there's another of my cousin and thaddeus's cousin, kaysen, who's visiting from Malaysia, that makes 5 of us. Hope numbers will be added in the next camp. :)

After we broke camp, I had lunch caregroup at TCC @ Lido. It was a time of defining the group's vision and challenging each other for greater things.

Overslept until 8pm, woke up and rushed out for a secondary mini-gathering. Finally came home at 12.30am to unpack and sleep.

I will not forget how You have touched me and the decisions I've made in this camp. Lord, help me continue to run the race, not losing my vision for You.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


ESPIRIT DE CORPS - Building the Dream Team
Y-Hope church camp 07-10 DEC 2005
NUS Kent Ridge Hall / Prince George's Park Residence
See you there!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Fatigue Work

Fatigue work. As the phrase suggests is work that makes you feel fatigue.
I did fatigue work(painting the car park in my camp) last friday evening all the way past 10pm. It was no easy task, my back hurt from bending and my hands were full of paint thereafter.
Well how I got this task, is a long story, but I really have alot to thank God for. To shorten the long story:
I seemed to be picked on by my company sergeant major(CSM) last week. One of my campmates made a comment that "I've done something bad or I've not been praying enough." At this point in time, I could identify with Job completely, about how negative things still happen to those who walk with God. I thank God for the book of Job. This is not so much of a testing for me, but about valuing the Bible even more, that the Word of God is always useful, through vast timespan, the Word endures forever.
I had to do 3 extra tasks at 1st on 3 consecutive saturdays, but by God's grace, after speaking to him and justifying my case, my CSM reduce it to 1. Though I felt that I did not deserved any, I just took it, rather than blowing up the matter, which may not be to my advantage.
Fortunately, I managed to arranged to do it that friday instead, so that it will not clash with saturday's service. Another thing to thank God for.
A few others who also had extra tasks do were grumbling and hurling vulgarities, cursing and swearing at my CSM. Then one of my peers commented "you are damn calm & peaceful." It made me realise the attitude of difference that the Holy Spirit has given me. As much as I did not like painting the carpark, there is this peace and assurance that only Jesus can give.
The sky became overcast while we were painting and after awhile, it started to rain. I began to prayed and ask God to delay the rain, that our labour would not be in vain. The clouds began to dispersed and the rain became a drizzle and stopped. Praise God! I'm reminded once again that, I'm not doing things by my own strength, but with His grace and divine authority.
Last but not the least, after completing all and sharing a cab home, I realise that though it was a tedious task, valuable time was spent with my fellow colleagues and stronger bonds were forged.
God, thank you once again for your continual presence in my life.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

1st Driving Lesson

Had my 1st drving lesson on Monday night. Not too bad I must say, though my car stalled thrice. I must learn to control the half-clutch better. Hopefully I have enough time to learn. My test date is looming closer on the 10 March. Lord give me wisdom to understand and the mental alertness to learn at night.