A Christian Funeral
I've just been to the funeral of a close friend's mum.
A Christian funeral is really very different from those traditional chinese funerals. For one, Christian funeral do not focus on the rites of passage, i.e. chanting to relieve the soul, etc.
As Christians, we are already saved by the blood of Christ, there is nothing else that we can do to attain our own salvation.
The funeral service was one that was unexpectedly meaningful. I never expected to be ministered by God during a funeral service, but yes, it did.
We were walked through some memories that the family members had with the deceased, sang some hymns and read the Word of God. Then the focus was shifted from the deceased to us who are alive.
In the face of death, how should we react? It is a good time to reflect on our own lives and be assured of the ultimate sacrifice of Christ.
Our time on earth pales in comparison to eternity. The stage of life is just a preparation for eternity. What are we going to do with our lives?
Come to think of it, when I die, I don't want my funeral to come to a waste. I want to see multitudes of people coming to know the love of Christ that day. :) Let it be an evangelistic funeral! hahaz